Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Independence, MO 64052
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Independence MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Birchwood Baptist Church | 816-353-4445 | 3883 Blue Ridge Blvd | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Blue Ridge Baptist Church | 816-353-8140 | 9320 E 35th St S | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Calvary Presbyterian Church | 816-461-1145 | 2911 Blue Ridge Blvd | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Charity Church | 816-743-0192 | 9806 E 36th St S | Independence | MO | 64052 |
East Side Church of Christ Christia | 816-254-7356 | 2629 Blue Ridge Blvd | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Englewood Assembly of God | 816-254-8313 | 10628 E Winner Rd | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Glenwood Park United Methodist Churc | 816-254-5116 | 10000 E 23rd St S | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Maywood Baptist Church | 816-254-3344 | 10505 E Winner Rd | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Maywood Baptist Church | 816-254-0837 | 1720 S Willow Ave | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Northern Boulevard United Methodis | 816-252-7977 | 1800 S Northern Blvd | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Outreach Restoration Branch Inc | 816-836-2773 | 723 S Crysler Ave | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Rockwood Baptist Church | 816-252-6155 | 10035 E Westport Rd | Independence | MO | 64052 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 816-254-8680 | 3601 S Sterling Ave | Independence | MO | 64052 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church | 816-252-5893 | 1400 W Sheley Rd | Independence | MO | 64052 |
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