Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Independence, MO 64055
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Independence MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Place of Praise | 816-254-3553 | 304 E 23rd St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church Elca | 816-254-2601 | 14500 E 39th St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Arise Ministries International | 816-743-9221 | 10401 E US Highway 40 | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Beverly Hills Baptist Church | 816-252-1636 | 1229 W 31st St | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Blue Vue Chapel | 816-358-1880 | 4845 S Norfleet Rd | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 816-461-1101 | 14506 E 39th St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Christian Assembly of God | 816-373-2698 | 17310 E US Highway 40 | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Church of Christ | 816-373-4946 | 15331 E 39th St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Country Meadows Baptist Church | 816-373-1974 | 4901 S Lees Summit Rd | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Coventry Estates Baptist Church | 816-373-3707 | 17133 E 39th St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Eastgate Christian Church | 816-252-6828 | 4010 S River Blvd | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 816-252-3268 | 901 E 23rd St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Glenview Baptist Church | 816-373-2746 | 3101 S Shrank Rd | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Hill Cumorah Restoration Chu | 816-478-6461 | 4516 S Phelps Rd | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Immanuel Baptist Church | 816-254-9579 | 112 W 23rd St | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Noland Road Baptist Church | 816-373-0106 | 4505 S Noland Rd | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Restoration Information Center | 816-833-0512 | 3121 S Crysler Ave | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Sisters of St Joseph | 816-478-9829 | 15524 E 45th Ter S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
St Mark's Catholic Church | 816-373-2600 | 3736 S Lees Summit Rd | Independence | MO | 64055 |
St Michael's Episcopal Church | 816-373-5333 | 4000 S Lees Summit Rd | Independence | MO | 64055 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 816-353-9960 | 13012 E 51st St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Sycamore Hills Baptist Church | 816-373-1646 | 15200 E 39th St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Unity Church of Independence | 816-252-4242 | 14304 E 39th St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
Zion Witness Restoration | 816-373-9159 | 15008 E 35th St S | Independence | MO | 64055 |
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