Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, MO 64101
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central Free Will Baptist Church | 816-942-1200 | 3200 E Blue Ridge Ext | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
First Christian Church of Grandview | 816-765-6134 | 13604 Norby Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Grandview Church of Christ | 816-761-2476 | Grandview Rd & Blue | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Johnson Robt L Rev | 816-966-1033 | 12400 Grandview Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Martin City Baptist Church | 816-942-3441 | 520 E 132 Ter | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Red Bridge Umc | 816-941-0112 | 117th & Holmes | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Ruskin Heights Presbyterian Ch | 816-966-9764 | 11100 Ruskin Way | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Second Missionary Baptist Church | 816-763-3999 | 5111 Harry Truman Dr | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Silent Unity Prayer Ministry | 816-969-2020 | 1901 NW Blue Pkwy | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Sisters of Charity | 816-761-6123 | 5306 Harry Truman Dr | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
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