Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, MO 64108
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel A M E Church | 816-231-3555 | 2329 Flora Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Centennial United Methodist Churc | 816-421-5527 | 1834 Woodland Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Country Club Umc | 816-444-1616 | 57th & Wornall | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
First Baptist Church Westside | 816-471-5695 | 801 Avenida Cesar E Chav | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
First Presbyterian Church of North | 816-221-4010 | 23rd & Fayette | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Gci | 816-421-1015 | 1015 Avenida Cesar E Chav | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Grace Temple Non Denominational | 816-421-3783 | 1812 Highland Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Greenwood Baptist Church | 816-471-7358 | 1750 Belleview Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Holy Ghost New Testament Churc | 816-474-6881 | 1815 Paseo Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Latin American Assembly of God | 816-471-8678 | 916 W 24th St | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Lutheran Mission of the Good Shepherd | 816-474-9049 | 1755 Jefferson St | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 816-531-2594 | 2928 Summit St | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
New Life Inner City Inc | 816-421-8312 | 1734 Jefferson St | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Our Lady of Sorrows | 816-421-2112 | 2552 Gillham Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Paseo Baptist Church | 816-921-6842 | 2501 Paseo Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
St Andrew's Episcopal Church | 816-523-1602 | Wornall Rd & Meyer B | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
Western Baptist Bible College | 816-842-4195 | 2119 Tracy Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64108 |
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