Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, MO 64109
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Al Inshirah Islamic Center | 816-960-0475 | 3664 Troost Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Belt David C D Min | 816-931-1100 | 620 E Armour Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Cain-Grant A M E Church | 816-924-4186 | 1701 E Linwood Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Calvary Temple Baptist Church | 816-921-6233 | 2940 Holmes St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Casa Nazarena De Publicaciones | 816-931-2262 | 2923 Troost Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Central Presbyterian Church | 816-931-2515 | 3501 Campbell St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Central States Synod Elca | 816-861-6584 | 3210 Michigan Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Christian Fellowship Ministries | 816-924-1418 | 3151 Olive St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Crossroads Church | 816-931-8420 | 3800 Troost Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Grace Christian Fellowship Chur | 816-921-5433 | 3721 Paseo Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Gregg Tabernacle Ame Church | 816-921-6300 | 1812 E 37th St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Harvest Ministries | 816-921-5800 | 3400 Woodland Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
High Claude Rev | 816-931-9893 | 3238 Paseo Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
House of Praise of Worship | 816-924-4147 | 2311 E 33rd St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Joybells Ministry | 816-924-2340 | 2100 E 31st St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Metropolitan Lutheran Ministry | 816-931-4850 | 3031 Holmes St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church | 816-923-3689 | 2310 E Linwood Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church | 816-923-5815 | 3634 Brooklyn Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Mt Joy Missionary Baptist Church | 816-561-2322 | 1220 E 31st St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Providence Baptist Church | 816-753-1545 | 2917 Tracy Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Shalom Missionary Baptist Church | 816-924-0631 | 3621 Paseo Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
Temple of Truth Baptist Church | 816-924-2862 | 1520 E Linwood Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
United Missionary Baptist Church | 816-471-4485 | 2745 Campbell St | Kansas City | MO | 64109 |
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