Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, MO 64111
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Broadway Baptist Church | 816-561-3274 | 3931 Washington St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Catholic Diocese of Kc St Joseph | 816-756-1850 | 300 E 36th St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Church of Christ Grandview | 816-966-1304 | 4005 Main St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Eckankar Center of the Greater | 816-931-0850 | 3611 Main St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Epworth Roanoke United Methodist Churc | 816-753-8657 | 1717 W 41st St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
First Calvary Baptist Church | 816-531-1208 | 3921 Baltimore Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church Elca | 816-931-8483 | 1700 Westport Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Jacob's Well Church | 816-531-2757 | 1617 W 42nd St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Place Community of Christ The | 816-531-1451 | 4245 Walnut St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Redemptorist Church | 816-561-3771 | 3333 Broadway St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Revolutions | 816-931-1067 | 500 W 40th St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Rivercity Community Church | 816-931-5546 | 4001 Wyoming St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Roanoke Baptist Church | 816-561-4392 | 3950 Wyoming St | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Sarita Lynne Ministries | 816-561-0035 | 207 W Linwood Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
Trimble George | 816-931-0226 | 201 Westport Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64111 |
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