Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, MO 64124
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Apostolic Church | 816-241-5952 | 723 Olive St | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Ch | 816-241-8171 | 3200 Independence Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Children's Memorial Lutheran Church | 816-241-2097 | 5001 Independence Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Church of the Nazarene | 816-231-0065 | 342 Chelsea Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Grace United Church | 816-231-5745 | 801 Benton Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Independence Ave Baptist Church | 816-231-5435 | 522 Jackson Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Independence Boulevard Christian Churc | 816-231-0025 | 606 Gladstone Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Latin American Sda Church | 816-483-1888 | 500 Chelsea Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Northeast Presbyterian Church | 816-241-2083 | 301 Van Brunt Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 816-241-2334 | 711 Benton Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64124 |
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