Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kansas City, MO 64127
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kansas City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allah Temple No 6 | 816-483-8351 | 2200 Prospect Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Apostolic Assembly | 816-231-7910 | 2425 Oakley Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ | 816-483-2422 | 2901 Benton Plz | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Bales Baptist Church | 816-231-4405 | 3414 E 12th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Bethaney Baptist Church | 816-231-6961 | 2216 E 13th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 816-241-0160 | 4300 E 18th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Bowers Memorial C M E Church | 816-241-9808 | 2456 Park Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Bread of Life Community Baptist Church | 816-241-4600 | 2010 Van Brunt Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Church of Christ Pentecostal | 816-921-8225 | 4113 E 27th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Dy Sn | 816-921-3940 | 2530 Brooklyn Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church | 816-483-4606 | 2422 Van Brunt Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 816-241-4838 | 920 Olive St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Faith Worship Family Center | 816-923-7500 | 3704 E 27th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
First Church of Christ Holiness | 816-231-4199 | 2425 Van Brunt Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
First Haitian Baptist Church | 816-483-1868 | 2400 Kensington Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
First Regular Baptist Church | 816-241-2469 | 2007 Hardesty Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Fredonia Baptist Church | 816-241-2949 | 1400 Kensington Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Freedom Fire | 816-241-9099 | 1307 Garfield Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Freedom Fire Urban Ministries | 816-241-7070 | 2111 E 13th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Freedom School | 816-241-4573 | 2200 Olive St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Galilee Baptist Church | 816-231-6894 | 3601 E 19th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Gethsemane Non Denominational | 816-861-5157 | 4123 E 27th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Greater Corinthian Church of Chris | 816-923-3035 | 4800 E 27th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Highland Baptist Church | 816-861-6612 | 2621 Benton Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Holy Deliverance Church | 816-483-4181 | 3026 E 21st St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Jackson Memorial F W B Church | 816-483-3726 | 3101 E 19th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 816-241-1431 | 2455 Benton Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Maranatha Church | 816-231-0298 | 1235 College Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Metropolitan Spiritual Church of Chris | 816-231-2829 | 1231 Garfield Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Morning Star Baptist Church | 816-923-3559 | 2411 E 27th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
New Solid Rock Missionary Bapt | 816-483-2125 | 5007 E 24th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Olive Street Baptist Church | 816-923-6933 | 2500 Jackson Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Rambo Eummal Rev | 816-474-5641 | 1921 E 12th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Sacred Mission Baptist Church | 816-924-6957 | 2539 Benton Blvd | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
St Mary Grand Holy Tabernacle Past | 816-241-1185 | 2000 Hardesty Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
True Faith Missionary Baptist Church | 816-923-7262 | 3206 E 27th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
True Vine Baptist Church | 816-924-4687 | 3012 E 25th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Victory Outreach | 816-921-9800 | 2547 Jackson Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Victory Outreach | 816-241-6568 | 2411 Kensington Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Victory Temple Church | 816-241-4290 | 3301 E 12th St | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Ward Chapel A M E Church | 816-241-3719 | 2126 Prospect Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
Wesley Heights United Methodist Churc | 816-241-5937 | 1903 Hardesty Ave | Kansas City | MO | 64127 |
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