Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Kansas City, MO 64101
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Kansas City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Belvidere Elementary | 816-316-5300 | 15200 White St | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Butcher Greene Elementary | 816-316-5400 | 5302 E 140th | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Conn-West Elementary | 816-316-5225 | 1100 High Grv | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Grandview Consolidated School District | 816-316-5525 | 7010 E 136th St | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Grandview Consolidated School District | 816-316-5800 | 2300 High Grv | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Grandview Consolidated School District | 816-316-5500 | 2500 High Grv | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Grandview Consolidated School District | 816-316-5000 | 724 Main St | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Hazel Grove Elementary School | 816-986-3310 | 2001 NW Blue Pkwy | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Hickman Mills Consolidated Sc | 816-316-8100 | 96th & James A Reed | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Highland Park Elementary Scho | 816-986-2250 | 400 SE Millstone | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit Elementary School | 816-986-3340 | 110 SE Green | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit North High School | 816-986-3000 | 901 NE Douglas | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-2220 | 800 NE Blackwell Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-2360 | 12709 S Smart | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-2000 | 400 SE Blue Pkwy | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-1000 | 600 SE Miller | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-2280 | 501 SE Todd George Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-2400 | 500 SE Transport | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-2420 | 502 SE Transport | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-3380 | 2801 SW Pryor | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-1375 | 3500 SW Windemere | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Lee's Summit R 7 Public School District | 816-986-1290 | 3651 SW Windemere Dr | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Schools | 816-986-2330 | 27600 E Colbern Rd | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
Schools | 816-612-4200 | 107801 Oak | Kansas City | MO | 64101 |
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