Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Carthage, MO 64836
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Carthage MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bamboo Garden | 417-358-1611 | 102 N Garrison Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Black Hen Restaurant | 417-359-9077 | 12216 Kent Ln | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Burger King | 417-358-1739 | 1011 W Central Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Dos Amigos Restaurant | 417-358-5811 | 2440 Grand Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
El Azteca | 417-359-5850 | 2205 S Garrison Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
El Charro | 417-358-4016 | 2323 Fairlawn Dr | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
El Mexicano | 417-359-8050 | 119 N Garrison Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Gringos | 417-358-2116 | 1123 W Central Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Hardee's Restaurant | 417-358-4759 | 2516 Grand Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Iggy's Diner | 417-237-0212 | 2400 S Grand Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Kings Chef | 417-358-0875 | 112 W George Phelps St | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
La Playita Restaurant | 417-237-0352 | 714 Grant St | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe | 417-358-4573 | 1118 W Central Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Lucky J Restaurant & Arena | 417-358-2370 | 11664 E Fir Rd | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 417-358-7796 | 1111 W Central Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
McDonalds Restaurant | 417-359-5353 | 2816 Hazel St | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Oriental Villa | 417-358-1809 | 2334 Fairlawn Dr | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Pancake Hut | 417-358-9807 | 301 S Garrison Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Ranch House Restaurant | 417-359-5200 | 2937 S Grand Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
San Martin Mexican Restaurant | 417-359-9170 | 100 Lincoln St | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Sirloin Stockade | 417-358-1765 | 1027 W Central Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Sonic Drive-In | 417-358-9686 | 1106 W Central Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Subway Sandwiches of Carthage | 417-358-5984 | 1032 W Central Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Taco Bell | 417-358-7703 | 2603 S Grand Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Taco Town | 417-358-8200 | 2230 Fairlawn Dr | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 417-358-1414 | 2342 Grand Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
Whisler's Drive Up | 417-358-4951 | 300 N Garrison Ave | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
White Rose Bed Breakfast Winer | 417-359-9253 | 13001 Journey Rd | Carthage | MO | 64836 |
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