Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Webb City, MO 64870
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Webb City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acanbaro Mexican Restaurant | 417-673-7555 | 524 W Broadway St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Arby's Roast Beef | 417-673-1727 | 1704 S Madison St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Bradbury Bishop Deli | 417-673-4047 | 201 N Main St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Burger King | 417-673-9210 | 1312 S Madison St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
El Patio Mexican Food | 417-673-1412 | 202 E Daugherty St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Gringos | 417-673-3001 | 1401 S Madison St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
House of Hu | 417-673-8888 | 402 S Jefferson St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Indian Grill Restaurant | 417-626-7786 | 2613 N Range Line Rd | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 417-673-5572 | 1731 S Madison St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Mucho Mexico | 417-673-8753 | 827 W Broadway St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Sherry Rae's Diner | 417-673-5122 | 21 S Main St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Sonic Drive-In | 417-673-3033 | 1613 S Madison St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Taco Bell | 417-673-2135 | 1708 S Madison St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Waffle House | 417-673-9399 | 1208 S Madison St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 417-673-1100 | 1229 S Madison St | Webb City | MO | 64870 |
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