Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Festus, MO 63028
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Festus MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Missionary Baptist Church | 636-937-9219 | 2245 Berean Ln | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Charter Baptist Church | 636-937-8174 | 15267 State Road T | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Church of Christ Festus | 636-937-4327 | 11780 County Road Cc | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Church of God Sabbatarian | 636-933-4949 | 106 Meadow Ln | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Emmanuel Pentecostal Church | 636-933-5010 | 1 Beffa St | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Fairview Christian Church | 636-937-7139 | 2206 US Highway 61 | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Faith Baptist Church | 636-937-9260 | 11835 County Road Cc | Festus | MO | 63028 |
First Presbyterian Church of Festu | 636-931-5155 | 207 N Mill St | Festus | MO | 63028 |
First United Methodist Church of Festu | 636-937-6205 | 113 Grand Ave | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 636-937-5525 | 221 Brierton Ln | Festus | MO | 63028 |
International Bible College & Semin | 636-586-3641 | 411 N 3rd St | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Jefferson Baptist Assn | 636-931-2815 | 3627 Baptist Park Rd | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Lighthouse Baptist Church | 636-933-4166 | 1543 W Main St | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Mount Piligrim Freewill Baptist Church | 636-933-6563 | 203 S 4th St | Festus | MO | 63028 |
New Hope Lutheran Church | 636-933-5015 | 1405 W Main St | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Plattin United Methodist Churc | 636-937-5854 | 3551 US Highway 61 | Festus | MO | 63028 |
River Community Mission Church The | 636-937-9711 | 124 E Main St Apt B | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Second Baptist Church Festus | 636-937-5227 | 723 Horine Rd | Festus | MO | 63028 |
Selma American Baptist Church | 636-937-6515 | 1251 Dooling Hollow Rd | Festus | MO | 63028 |
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