Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in House Springs, MO 63051
* Each listing below of Churches Information for House Springs MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Christ High Ridge | 636-677-3489 | 3512 Gravois Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
Church of Christ House Springs | 636-671-6617 | 6976 Wild Cherry Dr | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 636-375-3799 | 3987 Gravois Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
Faith United Methodist Church | 636-671-0876 | 4869 Scottsdale Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
First Baptist Church of House Springs | 636-375-3654 | 4375 Gravois Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 636-375-5383 | 4080 Carol Park Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
Harmony Baptist Chapel | 636-942-2325 | 5326 Heads Creek Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
Hillside Presbyterian Church | 636-671-8075 | 4848 State Route 30 | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
New Hope Fellowship | 636-375-9915 | 4568 Church Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
New Hope Fellowship | 636-375-5277 | 4186 Glendale Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
St John Chrysostom Russian Orthodo | 636-677-1116 | 3774 Gravois Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
Timberridge Community Church | 636-285-9722 | 5642 Gravois Rd | House Springs | MO | 63051 |
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