Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in O Fallon, MO 63366
* Each listing below of Churches Information for O Fallon MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assumption Catholic Church | 636-240-3721 | 115 W 3rd St | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 636-240-4673 | 1409 N Main St | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Church of Christ of O'fallon | 636-272-3080 | 8576 Veterans Memorial Pk | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Cornerstone United Methodist Churc | 636-379-5334 | 1151 Tom Ginnever Ave | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
First Assembly of God | 636-272-5050 | 8759 Veterans Memorial Pk | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
First Baptist Christian Academy | 636-272-3220 | 8750 Veterans Memorial Pk | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
First Free Will Baptist Church of O'fal | 636-272-5927 | 816 S Woodlawn | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Gospel Light Baptist Church of O'fal | 636-980-3222 | 415 Mill Pond Dr | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool | 636-272-4505 | 8945 Veterans Memorial Pk | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Hope Bible Church | 636-240-4460 | 173 Pieper Rd | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Immaculate Conception Church of Darde | 636-561-4459 | 7701 Highway | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Jehovah's Witnesses O'fallon | 636-240-3524 | 1229 Bryan Rd | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
Lighthouse United Pentecostal Chu | 636-272-2946 | 835 W Terra Ln | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
New Horizon's Christian Chrc | 636-379-2813 | 8763 Veterans Memorial Pk | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
O'fallon Christian Church | 636-240-3792 | 9380 Veterans Memorial Pk | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
St Barnabas Church | 636-240-4556 | 1400 N Main St | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
St Paul Church | 636-978-1900 | 1223 Church Rd | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
St Paul Church | 636-978-1400 | 1239 Church Rd | O Fallon | MO | 63366 |
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