Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Saint Louis City, MO 63108
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Saint Louis City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Baptist Church | 314-652-6421 | 4168 W Belle Pl | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Caldwell Calton Rev | 314-531-6390 | 4300 Delmar Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Celestial Temple of Peace Church | 314-531-6215 | 3846 Washington Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Christ Temple First Church | 314-534-4105 | 532 N Taylor Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Christian Science Churches | 314-367-3527 | 5000 Westminster Pl | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Church of Christ West Central | 314-367-0060 | 4662 Delmar Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Church Usher's Alliance Inc | 314-652-8523 | 4415 Washington Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Church Women United | 314-367-1122 | 5000 Washington Pl | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Clarendon Holy Baptist Church | 314-361-5673 | 818 Clarendon Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Congregations Allied for Community | 314-367-3484 | 4501 Westminster Pl | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Divinity Inc | 314-454-9838 | 5261 Delmar Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Faith Beyond Walls | 314-531-4787 | 4144 Lindell Blvd Ste 214 | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Glad Tiding Word Fellowship Mb C | 314-535-2003 | 3911 W Belle Pl | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Greater Bethlehem Baptist Church | 314-535-9493 | 4005 Washington Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Greater True Vine Spiritual Churc | 314-367-1815 | 4513 Olive St | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
House of Faith Fellowship | 314-652-1233 | 4430 Olive St | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Lane Tabernacle C M E Church | 314-531-8611 | 910 N Newstead Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Life Cathedral Church | 314-361-4549 | 500 N Kingshighway Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Mercy Seat Baptist Church | 314-531-3759 | 4424 Washington Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
New Tower Grove Bapt Church | 314-371-1198 | 4400 Delmar Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Pilgrim Congregational Ucc | 314-367-8173 | 826 Union Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Samaritan United Methodist Churc | 314-533-3916 | 4234 Washington Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
St Stephens Lutheran Church | 314-531-1343 | 515 Pendleton Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Temple Church of Christ | 314-371-8049 | 4146 Washington Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Temple of God Spiritual Church | 314-367-1375 | 4702 Olive St | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Transformation Christian Churc | 314-371-1688 | 3917 W Belle Pl | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Trinity Episcopal Church | 314-361-4655 | 600 N Euclid Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
Union Tabernacle Baptist Church | 314-535-6667 | 626 N Newstead Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63108 |
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