Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Saint Louis City, MO 63110
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Saint Louis City MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bansuk Baptist Church | 314-771-3222 | 5343 Botanical Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Catholic Action Network for Social Just | 314-533-4114 | 1077 S Newstead Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Christian Care Fellowship | 314-865-0176 | 1558 Thurman Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Compton Heights Baptist Church | 314-771-6208 | 3641 Russell Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Emmaus Baptist Church | 314-533-9773 | 4341 Chouteau Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Gibson Heights Presbyterian Ch | 314-371-3513 | 1075 S Taylor Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Hole in the Roof Ministry | 314-776-4462 | 5029 Northrup Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church | 314-533-6035 | 1135 Macklind Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Lamb's Bride Church | 314-534-9300 | 1324 Tower Grove Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Mount Olive Baptist Church | 314-771-0570 | 4246 Shaw Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Schools | 314-776-6473 | 4257 Magnolia Ave | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
St Vincent Depaul St Margaret of Sco | 314-772-2219 | 2213 S 39th St | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
Vietnamese Lutheran Fellowship | 314-535-2125 | 1126 S Kingshighway Blvd | Saint Louis City | MO | 63110 |
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