Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ballwin, MO 63011
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ballwin MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ballwin Baptist Church | 636-227-2482 | 15101 Manchester Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Church in St Louis | 636-386-6050 | 223 Woods Mill Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Claymont Preschool at St Mark | 636-394-2233 | 601 Claymont Dr | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Ellisville Church of Christ | 636-207-0789 | 62 Henry Ave | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Ellisville United Methodist Churc | 636-227-3592 | 15977 Clayton Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Emerson Unitarian Universalist Ch | 636-256-7393 | 73 Strecker Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Islamic Foundation | 636-527-1943 | 517 Weidman Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Islamic Information Center | 636-386-7137 | 14368 Manchester Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 636-527-4734 | 115 Baxter Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Lifegate Baptist Church | 636-227-1579 | 16081 Clayton Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Robin Roberts Ministries Inc | 636-527-2329 | 578 Rolling Glen Ln | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Salem in Ballwin United Methodist Churc | 636-256-7171 | 14825 Manchester Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Schools | 636-386-0186 | 15808 Manchester Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
West County Bible Church | 636-227-7292 | 82 Henry Ave | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
West County Community Church | 636-230-8900 | 17770 Mueller Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
Woodlawn Chapel Presbyterian Ch | 636-458-3009 | 16520 Clayton Rd | Ballwin | MO | 63011 |
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