Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fenton, MO 63026
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fenton MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Fellowship Free Will Baptist | 636-225-4684 | 1811 Smizer Station Rd | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Christian Science Committee on Pu | 636-326-4484 | 1626 La Palma Dr | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Fenton Church of Christ | 636-326-1440 | 212 Main St | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Fenton Crossing Bible Chapel | 636-326-4769 | 855 Gregory Ln | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Fenton United Methodist Church | 636-343-5010 | 800 Gravois Rd | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
First Baptist Church of Fenton | 636-343-1132 | 650 Oakwood Dr | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
First Baptist Church of Murphy | 636-343-8674 | 203 Old Sugar Creek Rd | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Joyce Meyers Ministries | 636-717-6574 | 700 Grace Pkwy | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Mt Olive General Baptist Church | 636-225-0955 | 1849 Hawkins Pl | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
My Brother's Keeper | 636-305-7969 | 706 Bankura Dr | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Our Savior Lutheran Church | 636-343-2192 | 1500 San Simeon Way | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Southwest Christian Church | 636-225-0980 | 1694 Smizer Station Rd | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Spirit Life Christian Worship Center | 636-349-3355 | 1101 Morris Dr | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Springdalebaptist Church | 636-343-5866 | 1779 Springdale Blvd | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
Vandover Baptist Church | 636-225-7317 | 1714 Smizer Station Rd | Fenton | MO | 63026 |
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