Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Florissant, MO 63031
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Florissant MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Fellowship Assembly of God | 314-831-1567 | 1807 Charleston Estates D | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Christian Churches Disciples of Ch | 314-837-6767 | 1325 N US Highway 67 | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
First Christian Church of Florissant | 314-837-2269 | 2890 Patterson Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
First Christian Church of Florissant | 314-837-6482 | 1235 Verlene Dr | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Florissant General Baptist Church | 314-837-4100 | 360 Graham Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Florissant Presbyterian Church | 314-837-8555 | 660 Charbonier Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Florissant Valley Baptist Church | 314-837-2056 | 1025 N US Highway 67 | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Gateway College of Evangelism | 314-838-8858 | 700 Howdershell Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Immanuel A M E Church | 314-830-3797 | 452 Howdershell Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Kingdom of God for All Nations Interna | 314-972-7926 | 2923 Patterson Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Life Changing Christian Church | 314-831-4646 | 2137 Charbonier Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Lindsay Lane Missionary Baptist Church | 314-921-2378 | 920 Lindsay Ln | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
New Covenant Church | 314-921-1122 | 7200 Howdershell | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
New Life Baptist Church | 314-837-0626 | 1185 Shackelford Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
New Life Christian Church | 314-839-5800 | 1170 Wiethaupt Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Old Town Wedding Chapel | 314-831-9145 | 646 Saint Francois St | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Park Baptist Church | 314-839-2120 | 825 Graham Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Sacred Heart Church of Florissant | 314-837-3757 | 751 N Jefferson St | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
St Peters House of Prayer Baptist | 314-972-0481 | 1065 Mullanphy Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
Victory Baptist Church | 314-831-3833 | 2625 Shackelford Rd | Florissant | MO | 63031 |
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