Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Florissant, MO 63033
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Florissant MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Fellowship Chur | 314-355-6000 | 6055 Parker Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Bethel United Church of Christ | 314-831-5808 | 14700 New Halls Ferry Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Black Jack Baptist Church | 314-355-1940 | 4906 Meuse Dr | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Bridgeton Baptist Church | 314-741-3727 | 5120 Bristol Rock Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Christ Our Redeemer African Methodi | 314-741-4222 | 13820 Old Jamestown Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Christ the King Lutheran Floris | 314-837-3382 | 1625 Washington St | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Christ the King United Church of Chris | 314-741-6808 | 11370 Old Halls Ferry Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Church Alive | 314-839-3322 | 1555 Derhake Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Church of the Master Ucc | 314-921-3344 | 1325 Paddock Dr | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Cross Keys Baptist Church | 314-831-0643 | 14255 New Halls Ferry Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Crown of Glory Christian Redee | 314-741-5377 | 12204 Partridge Run Dr | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Faith Christian School K 12 | 314-837-5343 | 2300 Parker Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 314-438-0228 | 4400 Parker Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Free Methodist Church | 314-831-4450 | 14550 New Halls Ferry Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Friendly Outreach Mission Church | 314-837-8677 | 4025 7 Hills Dr | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Halls Ferry Christian Church | 314-741-0372 | 12100 Old Halls Ferry Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
House of Harvest Ministries | 314-921-8700 | 3265 Dunn Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
John Knox Presbyterian Church | 314-921-5833 | 13200 New Halls Ferry Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Lutheran Church of the Living Christ E | 314-839-0466 | 2725 Concord Dr | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Olivet Missionary Baptist | 314-837-8418 | 12200 New Halls Ferry Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Parker Road Baptist Church | 314-831-6671 | 2675 Parker Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Salem Evanglcl & Reformed Church | 314-837-5600 | 2490 Pohlman Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Salem Lutheran Church | 314-741-6781 | 5180 Parker Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
St Clair Ministries Word of Life Ch | 314-831-9525 | 11832 W Florissant Ave | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
Ward Chapel Ame Church | 314-741-0112 | 11410 Old Halls Ferry Rd | Florissant | MO | 63033 |
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