Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Bridgeton, MO 63044
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Bridgeton MO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adamo's Italian Restaurant Pizz | 314-291-3555 | 12207 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 314-770-2220 | 3460 Hollenberg Dr | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 314-344-2880 | 11977 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Berkshire Grill The | 314-298-1065 | 12455 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 314-739-2336 | 3583 Pennridge Dr | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Casa Gallardo Mexican Restaurant & Ca | 314-739-5700 | 12380 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Culpeppers | 314-739-6781 | 12434 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Drink The | 314-291-7151 | 12344 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
El Maguey | 314-298-9244 | 12315 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Friday's | 314-344-8575 | 11228 Lone Eagle Dr | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Hometown Buffet | 314-298-8303 | 12228 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Hotshots Sports Bar & Grill | 314-291-1606 | 12154 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
I Hop | 314-739-6964 | 11237 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Jack in the Box Drive Thru Restaurant | 314-739-2373 | 12298 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 314-739-2212 | 12460 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Lee's | 314-291-8071 | 12279 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Lee's Family Buffet | 314-291-1288 | 12277 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Lion's Choice | 314-739-0544 | 11265 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Lone Star Steakhouse & Saloon | 314-770-1255 | 11969 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Long John Silver's | 314-344-9999 | 12294 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Massa's Restaurant | 314-739-3894 | 4120 N Lindbergh Blvd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 314-739-1232 | 12499 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Meglio's Italian Grill and Bar | 314-344-1010 | 12490 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Mr Goodcents | 314-344-9099 | 12234 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Old St Louis Chop Suey | 314-298-2411 | 12454 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant | 314-739-1274 | 3552 Pennridge Dr | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Panera Bread 753 | 314-770-1208 | 12252 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Ponderosa Steakhouse | 314-291-6037 | 12450 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Red Lobster Restaurants | 314-291-8680 | 12235 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Ryan's Family Steak House | 314-291-0818 | 3579 Pennridge Dr | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Sports Cafe | 314-298-1630 | 12323 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 314-298-2551 | 12370 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
T K's Bar & Grill | 314-770-0266 | 12334 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Taco Bell | 314-770-1618 | 12420 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Tony's Restaurant | 314-739-1472 | 12246 Natural Bridge Rd | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
Waffle House Restaurant | 314-739-0625 | 12701 Saint Charles Rock R | Bridgeton | MO | 63044 |
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