Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Petal, MS 39465
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Petal MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Baptist Church | 601-582-5653 | 728 S Main St | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 601-583-8309 | 1123 Highway 42 | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Carterville Baptist Church | 601-584-9457 | 1115 Carterville Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Crestview Baptist Church | 601-582-1559 | 479 Old Corinth Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
East Petal Baptist Church | 601-583-6792 | 1522 Highway 42 | Petal | MS | 39465 |
First Baptist Church of Petal | 601-545-3198 | 9211 Highway 42 | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Greater Mt Zion | 601-582-1435 | 138 Walter Myers Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Green's Creek Baptist Church | 601-582-2450 | 711 Old Richton Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Green's Creek Baptist Church | 601-582-0461 | 804 Old Richton Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Lynn Ray Road Baptist Church | 601-545-7635 | Lynn Ray Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Main Street Baptist Church | 601-584-6888 | 429 Leeville Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Mt Bethel Baptist Church | 601-545-1226 | 402 McInnis St | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Mt Vernon Baptist Church | 601-545-3361 | 883 Highway 42 | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Petal Harvey Baptist Church | 601-583-1743 | 600 S Main St | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Petal Independent Baptist Church | 601-583-4225 | 7 Pop Runnels Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Petal Presbyterian Church | 601-582-4772 | 305 S Main St | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Petal United Methodist Church | 601-582-0440 | 418 S Main St | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Piney Grove Mb Church | 601-583-4042 | 153 Sheeplo Loop | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Rivers of Life Church | 601-582-2505 | 1425 Carterville Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Runnelstown Church of God | 601-584-8992 | 167 Pumping Station Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Sunrise Baptist Church | 601-583-1850 | 299 Sunrise Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Temple Baptist Church of Petal | 601-582-1417 | 119 Jackson Ave | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 601-584-7432 | 53 Corinth Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
Vision Baptist Church | 601-584-8222 | 1056 Morriston Rd | Petal | MS | 39465 |
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