Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Biloxi, MS 39530
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Biloxi MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beau Rivage | 228-386-7111 | 875 Beach Blvd | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Bingo's Barbecue | 228-374-5722 | 768 Beach Blvd | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Boomtown Casino Biloxi | 228-435-7000 | 676 Bayview Ave | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Burger Burger | 228-432-5183 | 1039 Howard Ave | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Calypso's Buffet | 228-435-5400 | 151 Beach Blvd | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Church's Chicken | 228-432-2299 | 785 Division St | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Church's Fried Chicken | 228-436-4221 | 294 Caillavet St | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Cvitanovich Andrew | 228-374-0163 | 116 Rue Magnolia | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Famous Joe's Sports Bar & Grill | 228-432-2399 | 160 Howard Ave | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Grand Casino Gulfport & Biloxi | 228-436-2946 | 265 Beach Blvd | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Imperial Palace | 228-436-3000 | Caillavet | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Java Joe's | 228-435-9900 | 834 Howard Ave | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 228-435-5099 | 692 Beach Blvd | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Palace Casino Resort | 228-432-8888 | 158 Howard Ave | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Schooner Seafood Restaurant | 228-374-8071 | 159 Howard Ave | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Sugar Lumps | 228-435-1111 | 825 Division St | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Taranto's Crawfish | 228-392-0990 | Lorraine Rd | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
Waffle House | 228-435-5005 | Reynoir St | Biloxi | MS | 39530 |
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