Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bolton, MS 39041
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bolton MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beulah Memorial Baptist Church | 601-866-7031 | 13881 Highway 22 | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Bolton Memorial United Methodist Churc | 601-866-9102 | 203 W Madison St | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Brownsville M B Church | 601-866-7144 | 7565 Bolton Brownsville R | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Elbethel Baptist Church | 601-866-4117 | 301 Raymond Bolton Rd | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Emmanuel Tabernacle in Christ | 601-866-2409 | 1752 Lyons Rd | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Hall's Freewill Baptist Church | 601-866-9113 | 1500 Joe Hall Rd | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Hill of Zion Misssionary Bap | 601-866-7034 | 1079 Annie Fortner Rd | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
House of Prayer Apostolic Churc | 601-866-7944 | 301 Depot Ave | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Mt Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church | 601-866-9454 | 6398 Airplane Rd | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Mt Olive M B Church | 601-866-7870 | 6449 W Northside Dr | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Orange Hill M B Church | 601-866-2187 | 4080 Coxs Ferry Rd | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church | 601-866-4860 | 1412 Pleasant Hill Rd | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
Rosehill Mb Church | 601-866-9359 | 9542 Highway 22 | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 601-866-7093 | Jimmy Williams Rd | Bolton | MS | 39041 |
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