Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Clinton, MS 39056
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Clinton MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baker Grove Missionary Baptist Church | 601-924-8643 | Bakers Grove Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Business & Professional Outreach Intl | 601-925-0707 | 1401 Pinehaven Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Clinton Church of Christ | 601-924-5300 | 155 Broadway St | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
First Assembly of God in Clinton | 601-924-2808 | 2001 Old Vicksburg Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
First Baptist Church of Clinton | 601-924-6700 | 100 E College St | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
First Baptist Jackson Missionary Hous | 601-924-2392 | 80 Shore Dr | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Good News Christian Center Church | 601-926-4805 | 469 E Northside Dr | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Holy Ghost Baptist Church Learning | 601-924-5689 | 203 W Northside Dr | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Jones Paul Griffin II Dr | 601-924-7430 | 3 Dove Way Cir | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Lynch Chapel United Methodist Churc | 601-925-4976 | 230 Dawson St | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
McRaven Road Church of Christ | 601-925-9787 | McRaven Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Mt Hood Baptist Church | 601-924-1947 | 1959 Pinehaven Dr | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
New Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church | 601-924-4930 | Clinton Tinnin Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
New Testament Church of the Apostolic F | 601-924-4774 | 2127 Old Vicksburg Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Northside Baptist Church of Clint | 601-924-4555 | Northside Drive Ext | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Old Vicksburg Road Baptist Church | 601-924-4502 | 1701 Old Vicksburg Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Parkway Baptist Church | 601-924-9912 | 802 N Frontage Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Pineview Baptist Church | 601-924-7677 | 1288 Clinton Raymond Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Pleasant Green Baptist Church | 601-924-5112 | 505 E College St | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Providence Presbyterian Church Pca | 601-924-4747 | 1580 Clinton Raymond Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Ray's Chapel Missionary Baptist Church | 601-922-0610 | 220 Magnolia Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Reformed Missionary Baptist of Clin | 601-924-2656 | 410 Clinton Blvd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
St John's United Methodist Churc | 601-924-4265 | 1702 Old Vicksburg Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
St Mark Baptist Church | 601-924-0097 | 1638 Clinton Raymond Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Tabernacle of Grace | 601-924-6612 | 800 Neal St | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Tinnin Road Church of Christ | 601-925-5124 | 500 Clinton Tinnin Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Wells Grove Baptist Church | 601-924-1856 | William Rd | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
Wildwood Baptist Church | 601-922-1429 | 101 Auburn Dr | Clinton | MS | 39056 |
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