Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Jackson, MS 39202
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Jackson MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central United Methodist Churc | 601-355-7854 | 500 N Farish St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
Central United Methodist Churc | 601-355-7858 | 517 N Farish St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
Christ Temple Church of Christ Holiness | 601-352-5978 | 845 N Lamar St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
Church of the City The | 601-969-2223 | 111 W Monument St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
Farish Street Baptist Church | 601-355-0636 | 619 N Farish St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
First Presbyterian Church Pca | 601-353-8316 | 1390 N State St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
Greater Blair Street Ame Zion Church | 601-353-3847 | 1106 N Blair St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
Mount Helm Baptist Church | 601-353-3981 | 300 E Church St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 601-354-4334 | 144 N Roach St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
New Stranger's Home Baptist Church | 601-354-3203 | 143 Sidway St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
Prayer of Faith Ministries Inc | 601-944-0223 | 134 E Bell St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
Reformed University Ministries | 601-961-4470 | 1438 N State St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
South Central Diocese | 601-355-9305 | 329 E Monument St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
True Light Baptist Church | 601-353-7364 | 224 E Bell St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
True Light Baptist Church | 601-354-0393 | 232 E Bell St | Jackson | MS | 39202 |
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