Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Ocean Springs, MS 39564
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Ocean Springs MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Al Fresco Italian Bistro | 228-818-9395 | 708 Washington Ave | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
Bayview Gourmet Restaurant | 228-875-4252 | 1010 Robinson Ave | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
Broome's Catering | 228-872-0301 | 1801 Government St | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
Broome's Inc | 228-875-2035 | Old 90 Hwy | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
Dinner Is Served | 228-875-3663 | 106 Industrial Park Cir | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
Heavenly Ham | 228-875-5828 | 1533 Bienville Blvd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
Lagniappe Restaurant | 228-875-7361 | 703 Cox Ave | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
Martha's Tea Room | 228-872-2554 | 715 Washington Ave | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
Phoenicia Gourmet Restaurant | 228-875-0603 | 1223 Government St | Ocean Springs | MS | 39564 |
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