Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ocean Springs, MS 39565
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ocean Springs MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christ the King Catholic Church | 228-392-0340 | 10601 Daisy Vestry Rd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Community of Christ | 228-826-5150 | 12205 Mount Pleasant Rd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
First Baptist Church of Vancleave | 228-826-5345 | 12513 Highway 57 | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Good Hope Baptist Church | 228-826-4386 | 9313 Jim Ramsay Loop | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Graceland Baptist Church | 228-826-1791 | 9317 Gautier Vancleave Rd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Holy Spirit Catholic Church | 228-826-4008 | 6705 Jim Ramsay Rd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Holy Spirit Catholic Church | 228-826-4256 | 4901 Jim Ramsey Rd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 228-826-5141 | 6517 Jim Ramsay Rd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Latimer Assembly of God | 228-392-7077 | 15401 Allie Byrd Rd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Magnolia Baptist Church | 228-826-3880 | 2424 Magnolia Bapt Church | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
New Light Baptist Church | 228-826-3315 | 5120 Burney Rd | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
Pine Lake Baptist Church | 228-826-2304 | 16600 Highway 57 | Ocean Springs | MS | 39565 |
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