Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Pascagoula, MS 39581
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Pascagoula MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Burger Basket The | 228-762-3864 | 3309 Chicot St | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
Checkers Drive in Restaurant | 228-769-6966 | 3413 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
Kfc Caters | 228-769-1966 | 3957 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
L Y Buffet | 228-769-8816 | 3707 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
La Fiesta Brava Authentic Mexic | 228-762-9576 | 3223 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
Mama's Kitchen | 228-769-7990 | 3103 Old Mobile Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
McDonald's #28857 | 228-712-2975 | 4253 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
McDonald's of Pascagoula | 228-769-6823 | 3227 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
Taco Bell | 228-762-2380 | 3259 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
Waffle House | 228-696-2800 | 4411 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 228-769-1495 | 3421 Denny Ave | Pascagoula | MS | 39581 |
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