Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Ellisville, MS 39437
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Ellisville MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alice Hotel Bed & Breakfast | 601-477-9871 | 110 S Front St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Bethel Ame Church | 601-477-9961 | 599 McManus St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Dudley Chapel United Methodist Churc | 601-477-3500 | 501 Dubose St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Ellisville Presbyterian Church Pca | 601-477-3086 | 201 E Ivy St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Ellisville United Methodist Churc | 601-477-8776 | 202 S Church St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
First Baptist Church | 601-477-3256 | 302 E Holly St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 601-477-3706 | 2296 Highway 29 S | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Grace Covenant Church | 601-649-0262 | Highway 11 S | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Mount Moriah Baptist Church | 601-428-8004 | 1164 Old Highway 15 S | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Mt Aid | 601-477-2247 | 207 Roosevelt St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
New Covenant Church | 601-763-5400 | 1694 Highway 588 | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 601-477-8005 | 299 Currie Rd | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 601-477-3881 | Oak Grv | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Oakgrove Baptist Church | 601-477-2167 | Walters Rd | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Pecan Grove Baptist Church | 601-477-8371 | Pecan Grv | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church | 601-477-3247 | Dacetown | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church | 601-763-6224 | 1743 Highway 29 N | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church | 601-477-9448 | Pleasant Ridge Cir | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Son Light Christian Academy | 601-477-3108 | 224 Ira G Odom Rd | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Spring Hill Baptist Church | 601-477-8463 | 1403 Dubose St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
The Biker Church | 601-477-9150 | 562 Paulding Rd | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Unitarian Universalist Church | 601-763-3101 | 2134 Highway 29 N | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Waters Grove Baptist Church Parsonag | 601-546-2156 | 1663 Highway 43 S | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
West Ellisville Baptist Church | 601-477-9333 | 1108 B Ave | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
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