Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Laurel, MS 39443
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Laurel MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bush Construction Co Inc | 601-428-6073 | 1987 Bush Dairy Rd | Laurel | MS | 39443 |
Chandler Lester Contractor Inc | 601-425-2214 | 2739 Highway 11 N | Laurel | MS | 39443 |
Gerald Barnes Constuction | 601-425-0071 | 23 Hidden Lake Dr | Laurel | MS | 39443 |
Herring David Contractors Inc | 601-428-4931 | 118 Garden Rd | Laurel | MS | 39443 |
Holifield Stan Plumbing Service | 601-729-5628 | 37 Whippoorwill Dr | Laurel | MS | 39443 |
Keyes H R Elec Contr | 601-425-1881 | Magnolia Rd | Laurel | MS | 39443 |
R & J Construction Co | 601-426-1042 | 1637 Highway 184 E | Laurel | MS | 39443 |
Raybourn Construction Co Inc | 601-649-0780 | Kennon Dr | Laurel | MS | 39443 |
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