Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Ellisville, MS 39437
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Ellisville MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Catfish One Front Street | 601-477-8955 | 100 N Front St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Coney Island Lunch Stand | 601-582-8513 | 400 Main St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Country Girl Kitchen | 601-477-9438 | 706 S Church St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Creel's Diner | 601-477-2720 | 1100 Highway 588 W | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 601-477-8959 | 631 Hill St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 601-477-8940 | 701 Hill St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Old Water Mill Catfish Camp | 601-752-2395 | 195 Old Watermill Rd | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Rocky's Grill | 601-477-8182 | 800 S Church St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Sallis Bobby Snack Bar | 601-477-2238 | 900 Highway 11 S | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Sonic Drive-In | 601-477-3063 | 208 Highway 11 N | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 601-477-2485 | 607 Hill St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
Ward's Fast Food of Ellisville | 601-477-9867 | 403 Hill St | Ellisville | MS | 39437 |
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