Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Convenience Stores in Meridian, MS 39305
* Each listing below of Convenience Stores Information for Meridian MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amoco Food Shops | 601-485-5534 | 4910 Highway 493 | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
B & B El Cheapo | 601-485-3168 | 5818 Highway 493 | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Hillbillies | 601-737-5502 | 7960 Pine Springs Rd | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Minit Mart | 601-483-5835 | 2100 N Hills St | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
North Hills Shell | 601-483-5541 | 2435 N Hills St | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Porter's Country Store | 601-484-5656 | 6528 State Boulevard Ext | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Super Stop | 601-483-5155 | 4413 35th Ave | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Super Stop | 601-483-9402 | 5200 Highway 493 | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Super Stop | 601-485-7007 | 144 N Hills St | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Suqualena Olde Tyme Grocery | 601-626-7080 | 11157 Highway 494 | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
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