Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Grocery Stores in Meridian, MS 39301
* Each listing below of Grocery Stores Information for Meridian MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amoco Food Shops | 601-482-3967 | 2406 Highway 19 S | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
B P Bonita | 601-482-3223 | 1019 Highway 39 N | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Bolen Food Stores | 601-482-2772 | 2935 Highway 39 N | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Bonita Chevron | 601-483-7972 | 518 Highway 19 S | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Causeyville General Store | 601-644-3102 | 6129 Causeyville Rd | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Clarkdale Superette Grocr | 601-693-4098 | Highway 45 S | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Coleman's Zero Community Groc | 601-693-6513 | 0 Rd | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Eighth Street Chevron | 601-482-8113 | 2816 8th St | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Foodmax | 601-482-0051 | 2110 N Frontage Rd | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Hudnall Food Store | 601-483-6242 | 1001 18th St | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
M & B Grocery | 601-482-8948 | 1802 26th Ave | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Nixie Pak-A-Sak | 601-693-5248 | 2122 24th Ave | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Nulls Quick Shop | 601-693-2384 | 5273 Highway 145 | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Poisso Country Store | 601-553-0505 | 2527 Highway 496 | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Saverite Grocery Warehouse | 601-693-2744 | 1700 N Frontage Rd | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Sullivan's El Cheapo | 601-483-5684 | 1450 Highway 19 S | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Williams Country Express Grocery | 601-482-5154 | 1734 Highway 11 and 80 | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
Winn-Dixie | 601-485-0808 | 5100 Highway 39 N | Meridian | MS | 39301 |
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