Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Meridian, MS 39305
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Meridian MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bounds Don Real Estate | 601-482-3512 | 2410 Old North Hills St | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Century 21 Howell Realty Inc | 601-483-2121 | 4266 Poplar Springs Dr | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Corey Robert Realtor | 601-482-8515 | 4271 Poplar Springs Dr | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Hodges Virginia E Realtor | 601-483-4634 | 3114 36th St | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Merritt Tax Services Inc | 601-485-2431 | 2425 Old North Hills St | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Purvis Realty Inc | 601-483-7060 | 4312 Poplar Springs Dr | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Ragsdale Realty Residential App | 601-693-9500 | 4540 Poplar Springs Dr | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Williams Boyd Real Estate | 601-482-8818 | 2317 Old North Hills St | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Wilson Realty | 601-483-3384 | 3906 Poplar Springs Dr | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
Winstead Realty Inc | 601-483-4563 | 4905 Poplar Springs Dr | Meridian | MS | 39305 |
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