Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Tupelo, MS 38804
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Tupelo MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abner's Famous Chicken Tenders | 662-891-4649 | 3282 N Gloster St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
Bar-B-Q by Jim Llc | 662-840-8800 | 203 Commerce St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
Breeze-N-Mini Mart | 662-844-9144 | 1725 N Gloster St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
Jefferson Place Dining Room | 662-844-8696 | 823 W Jefferson St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 662-841-0034 | 3903 N Gloster St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
The Rankin House Special Occasio | 662-680-3122 | 530 W Main St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
The Rib Cage of Tupelo | 662-840-5400 | 206 Troy St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
Vanelli's Restaurant | 662-844-4410 | 1302 N Gloster St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
Woody's Restaurant & Captain's Den L | 662-840-0460 | 619 N Gloster St | Tupelo | MS | 38804 |
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