Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Saltillo, MS 38866
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Saltillo MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor Holds Church | 662-869-5314 | 162 Highway 348 | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Antioch Church of Christ | 662-869-5560 | Branyan Rd | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Birmingham Baptist Church | 662-869-2245 | 753 Birmingham Ridge Rd | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Covenant Life Presbyterian Ch | 662-869-2125 | 175 Third Ave | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Db's Floral Designs N' More | 662-869-3620 | 388 Mobile St | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Euclatubba Baptist Church | 662-869-5287 | Euclatubba Rd | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
First Baptist Church | 662-869-5742 | 311 Mobile St | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Mayfield Church of Christ | 662-869-5558 | 2348 Highway 145 | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Mud Creek Missionary Baptist Church | 662-869-2552 | Birmingham Ridge Rd | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
New Zion Missionary Baptist Church | 662-869-5585 | 131 Mobile St | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Poplar Cme Church | 662-869-5724 | Highway 45 N | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Unity Baptist Church | 662-869-5258 | Unity | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Wedding Shop The | 662-844-3614 | 126 Jean Cir | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
Zion Hill Baptist Church | 662-869-2484 | 1401 CR 183 | Saltillo | MS | 38866 |
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