Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Canton, MS 39046
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Canton MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blue's Fish House | 601-859-7487 | 280 W Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Bumper Drive in | 601-859-2005 | 1554 W Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Bumper's Drive-In | 601-859-4036 | 2761 S Liberty St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Canton Cafe & Catering | 601-859-3232 | 1240 W Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Christine's Back Porch | 601-855-2484 | 123 Depot Dr | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Dragon's Garden | 601-859-8998 | 600 E Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
El Sombrero Mexican Restaurant | 601-855-2020 | 111 Soldier Colony Rd | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Hardee's Inc | 601-859-8989 | 182 E Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Joe's Sandwich & Grocer | 601-859-7107 | 507 Church St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 601-859-0610 | 1472 W Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Mrs Bar-B-Que | 601-859-9186 | 3421 N Liberty St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Nancy's | 601-859-3723 | 1445 W Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
New Orleans Famous Fried Chicken | 601-859-0671 | 2755 S Liberty St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Penn's To Go | 601-859-0696 | 707 E Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Perimeter Foods #8 | 601-859-4484 | 1307 E Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Stone Pony Oyster Bar | 601-859-9999 | 1537 W Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
The Pantry | 601-859-4938 | 1442 W Peace St | Canton | MS | 39046 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 601-859-7764 | Highway 22 at I 55 | Canton | MS | 39046 |
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