Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Pelahatchie, MS 39145
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Pelahatchie MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 601-546-2464 | RR 2 | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Barefoot Springs Baptist Church | 601-854-5324 | Barefoot Springs Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Cross Roads Baptist Church | 601-546-2297 | 104 Crossroads Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Cross Roads Baptist Church | 601-546-2267 | 151 Crossroads Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Leesburg Baptist Church | 601-854-5306 | Highway 481 | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Little Zion United Methodist Churc | 601-854-7300 | 816 Second St | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Lone Pine Mb Church | 601-854-7400 | 527 Lone Pine Church Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Mt Carmel Baptist Church | 601-854-8292 | 101 Jackson Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Oak Grove M B Church | 601-854-7122 | 193 Mary Crapps Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Shiloh Methodist Parsonage | 601-546-2599 | 518 Walters Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Shiloh United Methodist Church | 601-854-8158 | 2394 Shiloh Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
St Luke Church of God in Christ | 601-854-8989 | 1205 Second St | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
Waters Grove Baptist Church | 601-546-2945 | 754 Woodrow Martin Rd | Pelahatchie | MS | 39145 |
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