Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Brandon, MS 39047
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Brandon MS should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Burger King | 601-992-1903 | 60 Castlewoods Blvd | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Chick Fil A Community Relations | 601-992-1947 | 101 Avalon Ct | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Cindy's Fish House | 601-829-1332 | 2119 Highway 471 | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Fresh Market Cafe | 601-919-8636 | 1877 Spillway Rd | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Glenwalden's | 601-829-3003 | 1902 Highway 471 | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 601-992-6111 | 1860 Spillway Rd | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Mudbugs | 601-992-5225 | 1301 Old Fannin Rd | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Penn's Fish House | 601-992-3553 | 1183 Old Fannin Rd | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Quizno's Subs | 601-829-9797 | 1040 Spillway Cir | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Rodeo Family Mexican Restaurant | 601-992-4200 | 640 Grants Ferry Rd | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Sonic Drive-In | 601-919-8504 | 1861 Spillway Rd | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Subway Grants Ferry | 601-919-1136 | 628 Grants Ferry Rd | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 601-992-8555 | 105 Plaza Dr Ext | Brandon | MS | 39047 |
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