Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Cabinets in Helena, MT 59601
* Each listing below of Cabinets Information for Helena MT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Wood Design | 406-449-6309 | 1310 Boulder Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
B & C Cabinets | 406-457-1631 | 1301 Euclid Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Cabinet & Top Shop | 406-442-8886 | 3540 E US Highway 12 | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Capital City Millwork | 406-443-7650 | 645 Chestnut St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Crafted Kitchens | 406-449-3660 | 1211 Elm St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Furniture by Design | 406-443-3211 | 2211 Hauser Blvd | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Kralicek Millwork Inc | 406-442-9099 | 3030 E Lyndale Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Lighthouse Interiors | 406-442-4093 | 1 Valley View Dr | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Silver City Cabinets | 406-443-7305 | 1308 Marshall Ln | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Timothy's Fine Woodworking | 406-449-2730 | 3025 Bozeman Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
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