Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Helena, MT 59601
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Helena MT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Broadwater Elementary School | 406-324-1130 | 900 Hollins Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Bryant Elementary School | 406-324-1200 | 1529 Boulder Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
C R Anderson Middle School | 406-324-2800 | 1200 Knight St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Central Elementary School | 406-324-1230 | 402 N Warren St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Hawthorne Elementary School | 406-324-1370 | 430 Madison Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Helena Christian School | 406-442-3821 | 1421 N Roberts St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Helena Christian School | 406-442-5210 | 118 W Placer Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Helena Middle School | 406-324-1000 | 1025 N Rodney St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Helena Public Schools Administration | 406-324-2000 | 55 S Rodney St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Jefferson Elementary School | 406-324-2060 | 1023 E Broadway St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Kessler Elementary School | 406-324-1700 | 2420 Choteau St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-324-1530 | 2320 5th Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-449-1322 | 1600 8th Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-324-2200 | 1300 Billings Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-324-2104 | 815 Front St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-324-2941 | 1010 Idaho Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-324-2067 | Jefferson School | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-447-4588 | 1601 N Benton Ave | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-324-1720 | 1200 N Sanders St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-324-1630 | 1325 Poplar St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
Schools-Public | 406-324-2500 | 100 Valley Dr | Helena | MT | 59601 |
St Andrew School | 406-449-3201 | 1900 Flowerree St | Helena | MT | 59601 |
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