Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Missoula, MT 59801
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Missoula MT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acropolis Gyros & Greek Specialties | 406-721-5041 | 117 South Ave W | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Arriba | 406-541-3555 | Main Entrance Southg | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Burger King | 406-728-4651 | 2405 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Caffe' Dolce | 406-549-4914 | 2500 Grant St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Claim Jumper Casino | 406-728-0074 | 3021 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Clc Restaurants Inc | 406-543-6458 | 3819 Stephens Ave Ste 3 | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Denny's | 406-829-8500 | 2922 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Diamond Jim's Casino Bar & Grill | 406-251-3922 | 3700 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Fiesta En Jalisco | 406-728-1323 | 3701 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Four B's Restaurants | 406-721-2771 | Crossroads I 90 & Hw | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Greek Gyros & Pastry Shop | 406-543-6843 | 520 S 5th St E | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Hardee's of Missoula | 406-721-5292 | 2100 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Hoagieville | 406-543-5265 | 2413 S Higgins Ave | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Hob Nob on Higgins | 406-541-4622 | 531 S Higgins Ave | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Huhot Mongolian Grill | 406-251-4303 | 3521 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Jaker's | 406-721-1312 | 3515 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 406-543-6601 | 3306 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Larchmont Caddy Shack | 406-728-5817 | 3200 Old Fort Missoula Rd | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Lisa's Pasty Pantry | 406-543-0839 | 2004 W Sussex Ave | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Lucky Strike Casino | 406-549-4166 | 1515 Dearborn Ave | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
McDonald's Hamburgers | 406-728-4291 | 3310 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Montana Jack's Casino South Avenue Gr | 406-541-3939 | 2021 South Ave W | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Paradise Falls | 406-728-3228 | 3621 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Paul's Pancake Parlor | 406-728-9071 | 2305 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Point Aster The | 406-721-6129 | 2241 McDonald Ave | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Quizno's Classic Subs | 406-543-4843 | 2101 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Subway on Reserve | 406-728-7710 | 3150 S Reserve St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Subways Sandwich & Salad | 406-721-0259 | 2710 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Taco Bell Restaurant | 406-728-8689 | 3400 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Taco John's | 406-543-7275 | 2600 S Reserve St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Taco Johns Office | 406-728-8226 | 2126 Dixon Ave | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Taco Treat | 406-728-6800 | 1800 Bow St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
The Bridge | 406-542-0638 | 515 S Higgins Ave | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
The Montana Club | 406-543-3200 | 2620 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Trenarys Irish Pub Restaurant & Ca | 406-728-6606 | 1502 Dearborn Ave | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Viva Mexico | 406-549-3651 | 2221 South Ave W | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 406-728-1393 | 3011 Brooks St | Missoula | MT | 59801 |
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