Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Billings, MT 59102
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Billings MT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Central Christian Church | 406-252-1828 | 1221 16th St W | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Christ's Church | 406-655-1951 | 2931 Colton Blvd | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Christian & Missionary Alliance Rocky | 406-656-4233 | 2545 Saint Johns Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 406-252-3763 | 1711 6th St W | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 406-656-3060 | 3595 Monad Rd | Billings | MT | 59102 |
First Alliance Church | 406-656-6850 | 1835 Central Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
First Presbyterian Church | 406-252-3434 | 2420 13th St W | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Gospel Baptist Church | 406-254-9398 | 1246 Cook Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Grace Baptist Church | 406-656-8333 | 3616 Broadwater Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 406-259-5889 | 1935 Avenue B | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Institute for Christian Conciliation | 406-256-1583 | 2590 Holman Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Messiah Lutheran Church Elca | 406-656-2018 | 2939 Colton Blvd | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Montana Conference of the United Chur | 406-656-8688 | 2016 Alderson Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Mount Olive Lutheran L C M S | 406-656-6687 | 2336 Saint Johns Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
New Life Church | 406-656-0171 | 3950 Temple Pl | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Open Bible Christian Center | 406-656-4946 | 302 19th St W | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Peace Lutheran Church | 406-252-5504 | 1301 Avenue D | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Rimrock Baptist Church | 406-656-0258 | 3100 Rimrock Rd | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Rocky Mountain Community Churc | 406-259-7811 | 2832 Broadwater Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Schools-Parochial | 406-656-1021 | 2802 Belvedere Dr | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Unity Church of Christian | 406-254-9554 | 9 14th St W | Billings | MT | 59102 |
Valley Christian Church | 406-652-1727 | 1603 Saint Johns Ave | Billings | MT | 59102 |
West Park Baptist Church | 406-259-7117 | 1201 Grand Ave Ste 6 | Billings | MT | 59102 |
West Side Baptist Church | 406-656-6885 | 323 S 32nd St W | Billings | MT | 59102 |
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