Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Electrical Services in Fargo, ND 58102
* Each listing below of Electrical Services Information for Fargo ND should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amundson Electric | 218-236-0977 | 1126 26th St N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
B C Electric Inc | 701-232-8681 | 2102 7th Ave N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Bernie's Electric | 701-293-3500 | 817 28th St N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Dakota Electric Construction Co | 701-235-7581 | 1550 1st Ave N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Electric Motor Repair | 701-232-4411 | 46 23rd St N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Fargo Electric Construction | 701-237-9601 | 325 39th St N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Fritz Electric | 701-232-8888 | 1346 3rd Ave N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
H & S Electric | 701-235-9976 | 1611 1st Ave N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Hope Electric | 701-293-7737 | 525 15th St N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Industrial Process Technology Inc | 701-297-0092 | 2213 7th Ave N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Kramer Electric Inc | 701-235-7120 | 2015 3rd Ave N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
National Electrical Contractors Ass | 701-293-1300 | 2901 1st Ave N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Rickard Electric Inc Elec | 701-281-0766 | 1220 41st St N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
S & W Electric Motor Repair | 701-232-7141 | 12 14 1/2 St N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
Sun Electric | 701-281-9140 | 411 39th St N | Fargo | ND | 58102 |
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