Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Fargo, ND 58103
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Fargo ND should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adoption Option The | 701-235-7341 | 1325 11th St S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Charism | 701-241-9385 | 622 23rd St S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting | 701-241-5765 | 702 Main Ave | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Firstlink | 701-293-6462 | 703 3rd Ave S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Fraser | 701-232-3301 | 2902 University Dr S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Friendship Inc | 701-235-8217 | 801 Page Dr S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Job Service North Dakota | 701-239-7300 | 1350 32nd St S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Junior League of Fgo Mhd Inc | 701-235-8815 | 3509 Interstate Blvd S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Luther Hall Residential Treatment Cente | 701-232-8905 | 1505 5th Ave S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Make A Wish Foundation of North Dakota | 701-280-9474 | 1102 43rd St S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
North Dakota State of | 701-298-4500 | 2624 9th Ave S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Path North Dakota | 701-280-9545 | 1112 Nodak Dr S Ste 200 | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
St Vincent De Paul Society | 701-235-5944 | 1425 1st Ave S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
United Way of Cass Clay | 701-237-5050 | 219 7th St S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
Y W C A | 701-232-3449 | 3000 University Dr S | Fargo | ND | 58103 |
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