Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Grand Forks, ND 58201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Grand Forks ND should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Baptist | 701-775-9089 | 2122 17th Ave S | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Bethel Lutheran Church Lb | 701-772-5790 | 1616 S 17th St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Calvary Lutheran Church Elca | 701-772-4897 | 1405 S 9th St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Church of Christ | 701-775-9408 | 1027 13th Ave S | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Community of Christ | 701-772-1671 | 2020 S 17th St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church Sbc | 701-746-5551 | 2297 S 36th St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Evanger Lutheran Church | 701-772-3501 | RR 1 | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
First Presbyterian Church | 701-775-5545 | 5555 S Washington St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Grace Baptist Church | 701-775-0648 | 700 24th Ave S | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Hosanna Lutheran Church Aalc | 701-795-5759 | 606 S 18th St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Middle Grove Church | 701-775-6940 | 1981 24 Ave NE | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Sharon Lutheran Church Elca | 701-772-3122 | 1720 S 20th St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
St Mark's Lutheran Church Elca | 701-772-4807 | 715 24th Ave S | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
St Mary's Church | 701-775-2875 | 302 Belmont Rd | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Trinity Free Lutheran Church | 701-772-1218 | 3426 Chestnut St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Trinity Free Lutheran Church | 701-775-0731 | 2708 Olive St | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
Zion United Methodist Church | 701-772-1893 | 1001 24th Ave S | Grand Forks | ND | 58201 |
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