Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lincoln, NE 68502
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lincoln NE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abendmusik Lincoln | 402-476-9933 | 2000 D St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Calvary | 402-476-1567 | 2774 Franklin St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Calvary Chapel | 402-310-6665 | 1537 S 17th St Ste B | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Calvary United Methodist Churc | 402-476-7350 | 1610 S 11th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Christian Science | 402-476-3680 | 1900 D St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Christian Science Reading Rooms | 402-477-5656 | 1627 S 17th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Crossroads Church | 402-438-7004 | 40th & Superior | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Friedens Lutheran Church | 402-476-3888 | 6th & D | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Gates of Praise | 402-489-5400 | 70th & Vine | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Grace Lutheran Church Elca | 402-474-1505 | 2225 Washington St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church & Pre Sc | 402-474-6275 | 2001 S 11th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Rogers House Bed and Breakfast Inn T | 402-476-6961 | 2145 B St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Saint Paul United Methodist Churc | 402-477-6951 | 12th & M Sts | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Southern Heights Presbyterian Ch | 402-421-3704 | 40th & Old Cheney | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Southminster United Methodist Churc | 402-423-8586 | 2915 S 16th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Southview Baptist Church Sbc | 402-423-5062 | 3434 S 13th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Southview Christian Church Disciple | 402-475-6756 | 2040 S 22nd St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
St James United Methodist Churc | 402-474-5513 | 2400 S 11th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
St John's Reformed Church | 402-476-1827 | 1101 S 26th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
St Mark's Lutheran Church & School | 402-423-1497 | 3930 S 19th St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
St Mary's Catholic Church | 402-435-2125 | 14th & K | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Trinity Lutheran Church & School Lcms | 402-474-0606 | 12 H | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Trinity United Methodist Churc | 402-435-2946 | 16th & A St | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
United Methodist Conference Offi | 402-465-2175 | Nebr Wesleyan Campus | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 402-475-6702 | 2110 Sheridan Blvd | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
Zion Church Pca | 402-476-2524 | 9th & D | Lincoln | NE | 68502 |
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