Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lincoln, NE 68508
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lincoln NE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atwood House Bed & Breakfast The | 402-438-4567 | 740 S 17th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Cornerstone | 402-476-0355 | 640 N 16th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Deaf Hope Lutheran Church | 402-477-3997 | 1510 Q St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
First Baptist Church | 402-477-4198 | 1340 K St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
First Presbyterian Church | 402-477-6037 | 840 S 17th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Homestead Presbytery Judicatory | 402-474-0612 | 2nd | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Immanuel Church | 402-475-2592 | 10th & Charleston | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska | 402-476-3391 | 215 Centennial Mall S Ste 411 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Lincoln Baptist Church | 402-474-4330 | 1205 F St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Lutheran Student Center | 402-435-3697 | 535 N 16th St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Nebr Catholic Conference | 402-477-7517 | 215 Centennial Mall S Ste 410 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
St Mark's on the Campus Episcopal | 402-474-1979 | 1309 R St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
St Mary's Catholic Church | 402-435-2125 | 14th & K | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
St Paul United Church of Christ | 402-435-3673 | 1302 F St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 402-477-6951 | 1144 M St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Three Hierarchs Ukrainian Ortho | 402-438-5695 | 450 E St | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Transfiguration | 402-438-4566 | 1316 N St Ste 104 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
Trinity | 402-474-0606 | 12th & H | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
United Church of Christ Nebr Conference | 402-477-4131 | 825 M St Ste 201 | Lincoln | NE | 68508 |
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