Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lincoln, NE 68510
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lincoln NE should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Lighthouse | 402-475-0011 | 2002 N St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Central Church of Cma | 402-474-5659 | 2820 O St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Christ United Methodist Church Ofc & Pa | 402-489-9618 | 4530 A St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Church of the Holy Trinity Episcop | 402-488-7139 | 6001 A St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Cristo Rey Church | 402-488-5087 | 4221 J St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Eastridge Presbyterian | 402-488-1454 | 1135 Eastridge Dr | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Evangelical Free Church First | 402-483-7635 | 8101 O St Ste S112 | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Heritage Presbyterian Church | 402-477-3401 | 880 S 35th St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Indian Hills Community Church | 402-483-4541 | 1000 S 84th St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Lic Media Services | 402-475-3262 | 140 S 27th St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Elca | 402-483-4126 | 1200 S 40th St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Plains Baptist Church | 402-435-4760 | 2902 Randolph St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Real Men of Integrity | 402-474-7325 | 3701 O St Ste B5 | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Redeemer | 402-477-1710 | 510 S 33rd St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
St Teresa's Catholic Church | 402-477-3979 | 735 S 36th St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
Temple Baptist Church Garbc | 402-483-4469 | 4940 Randolph St | Lincoln | NE | 68510 |
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